Friday, July 17, 2009

Busy Week So Far

I've been pretty busy this week working on building up my profile. I got off track and did some unplanned work- a partial review of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency proposal (Senate version; haven't finished reading the House one) and finished a quick proposal on how to live on minimum wage, something most of us have done at least once.

Other projects to finish this week- SMS Phishing on the rise, and work on some short stories and other fiction, finish with the House version of CFPA (which so far has been friendlier to the financial industry than the Senate one, but still has vague definitions which could allow broad applications and drastic changes), and do some table top gaming! Hooray for L5R and Modern D20!

We did get to watch the new Harry Potter yesterday- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It made me realize how long it's been since I've read the books. The movie was beautiful and followed enough of the ideas of the book that I didn't find anything too jarring. I've had some fun "at work" talks about the cannonized shipping; I thought that had finally died. I will admit that Ms Watson and Mr Radcliffe seem to have a better on screen chemistry than Ms Watson and Mr Grint, but that's just the way some things are.

Two of the coolest things this week were me accidently doing my post on CFPA the same day that Rachel Maddow had a segment on it and Thomas Zahler, writer and artist of Love and Capes, announcing that he has completed the final drafts for his wedding edition comic book cover, which fiance and I will be on. Mr Zahler said in his announcement email that, "The official reveal for te cover is....for the PopCandy blog on the USA Today site, scheduled for next Friday."

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